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Understanding Climate Recovery From Warming. 

 The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) was a rapid warming event (hyperthermal) 56 million years ago. It is studied as an analogy of current climate warming, so that we understand what happens during increasing temperatures.. We are examining how the climate recovered several tens of thousands of years after the warming started. 

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Tracing silicate weathering processes in the permafrost-dominated Lena River watershed using lithium isotopes


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The Problem with Academic Publishing

Academic publishing is in trouble - this is not news for anyone even tangentially linked to Academia but bears repeating anyway in particular as it is becoming a topic in the mainstream press as well.  So, here the summary. Just as in all publishing, dare I say all...


Why is the Earth Habitable?



The Problem with Academic Publishing

Academic publishing is in trouble - this is not news for anyone even tangentially linked to Academia but bears repeating anyway in particular as it is becoming a topic in the mainstream press as well.  So, here the summary. Just as in all publishing, dare I say all...